“Hey, I’d like to make a video!”

I have no idea how many games get released each year, but I it’s more every year. Gamers have a good choice of titles, but only some titles are worth the time and money. This is where reviews come in, either in the form of written text in a big magazine, or store page reviews. But there are no truly impartial reviews and a reviewer may like different things in games than we do, right? Different things annoy or give joy to different people so the best idea of what a game is like is to watch someone play it. YouTube has gained a massive popularity among gamers in the recent years, there are tons of content makers spitting out various video material. But from the dawn of game development, the custom is that reviewers don’t buy the games they review. They get it from developers. Continue reading

Speaking of returns…

Today a couple words about returns and refunds.
As you know, some time ago Steam has introduced refunds, which I think in general is a great idea. People are less afraid to try out new games and if something doesn’t go right, whether it is a hardware problem or the game just turns out to be something else they anticipated – they have no feeling of being cheated.
On the other hand… Continue reading

Fun Facts!

Here’s a couple numbers related to development and sales of Thea:

  • The production started 19 months ago, in June 2014
  • Core development team of four was supported by several members of “friends & family” throughout the whole time of production
  • Cost of assets, outsourcing and other development-related (excluding living costs) totaled to ~£15.000

Continue reading

Back to 5.1.4

I am writing this as a follow up, as 5.2.3p3 and also 5.2.4 turned out to be crashing quite a lot. It was actually crashing not only the build but also the whole editor. A couple days later 5.3.1 appeared, but the texture bug from 5.3.0 remained.

So the last stable, relatively bug-free release was Unity 5.1.4, which we’ll probably stick with for longer. All this testing and wasted time, only to move from 5.1.1 to 5.1.4… But there are also good news, and I only discovered this today – the button-offset-on-non-native-resolution bug seems to be fixed in this version! Now, off to delete the other 6 versions of Unity to save some disk space…

Love – hate relationship

Today I wanted to write a little bit about our planned update from Unity 5.1.1 to 5.3.0 and why it’s taking so long.

First, let me say, that Unity is a great engine. We really enjoy working with it. I might be more difficult to pump out high-end graphics on it (not that we care, we haven’t got resources to provide AAA graphics anyway), but it’s easy to work with and its UI editor is the best I’ve worked with so far. Continue reading

Top Seller on Steam

We’re now one day after launch and things are looking really good. Since yesterday we have sold as many copies as through the entire Early Access period. That’s mostly thanks to improved visibility on the main page, but also a number of people avoid EA titles until they actually get released (as many is not). At the time of writing this, we settled on the last 10th spot of Steam’s Top Sellers list. Very serious competition sits above (and below too), so let’s see how long it lasts. Here’s a memorial screenshot, when we were on #9 😛

Top Sellers

20th November!

So, here’s the official announcement – Thea: The Awakening will be out of Early Access on 20th November!


The game is DRM-free, so once you download it, you may copy it to any PC you’d like and also play with your Steam client off.

Thanks to IMGN.PRO, our publishing partner, we’ve got a hub, where you can see all stores selling Thea and choose the one you prefer. Click here.