Return of the Volh DLC

(some will argue this is not actually a DLC because it comes as a free update to the game, but – 1 – you have to download it, and 2 – it is new content. So technically we can call it a DLC and so we will.)

This is a busy summer for us! Post-release patches every 2 weeks and now this! But don’t worry, we had a few days off too 😉

So – a few words about the Volh…

The name Volh is really not entirely correct. It should be volkhv or volhv (or wołchw if you’re Polish), but since it’s so easy to break your tongue when pronouncing this word, Yuuki has decided to make use of her writer’s license and change it to an easier name.

During the Early Access we heard that players were disappointed that Thea 2 has no male mage human class. But that was because the Volhs were in a far-away land being busy doing magics and stuff. Now they have decided to return, so to celebrate that fact, we’ve come up with over 30 new events, 13 new rituals, new characters and skills and wrapped them in a huge bag of balance tweaks, fixes and quality-of-life improvements for you to enjoy for free.

(For the full change log, see this Steam News entry)

And since some of you asked to buy us a pizza, we’ll be releasing Pizza for Devs DLC really soon. More on that in the next entry!

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