Enter the Dragon

This is a very busy week for everyone here, but also a very exciting one! In a little more than a week part of our team is going to Krakow in Poland to show off Thea: The Awakening on Digital Dragons! We want to give you a taste of the game by allowing you to play an early demo version. So we’re fixing various issues, squashing bugs (at least the most obvious and annoying ones we manage to catch on time) and generally trying to get the game to a stable, playable state. Of course, there will still be inaccessible menus, placeholder description texts and other problems, but such is the beauty of an alpha version. So – if you’re planning to go to Digital Dragons in Krakow between 21-22 May – make sure you find us in Hall A. There’s something we wanted to announce there too!

But the event and game demo are not the only things that occupy us – we’re in the middle of our Kickstarter campaign! Nice rewards await for our backers, so if you’d like an exclusive T-Shirt, an artbook with bestiary or a button pin for your collection – please support our project. We’re already reached 20% of our goal with your help, so thanks to all who believe in us!

Thea on Kickstarter

Dev Blog Time!

I have had this idea for a long time now, but it was always something that was pushed aside. But having Thea Greenlit today was a trigger to start writing a dev blog. So – once in a while (hopefully at least once a week) I’ll write a few lines about how the development is going, maybe post a screen or two and generally keep you guys updated.

Yuuki will still be handling Facebook and Twitter (and all the other things she does so well), she usually writes updates a lot faster. This blog will try to focus more on the technical side of development, so keep visiting if you’re interested in that aspects of making the game.

For people wanting to make their own hex-based game – our Honey Hex Framework takes part in May Madness Sale on Unity Asset Store with a nice discount of 65%! The sale runs from 5th to 15th of May so don’t miss it.

That’s enough good news for today, see you next time!