Fun Facts!

Here’s a couple numbers related to development and sales of Thea:

  • The production started 19 months ago, in June 2014
  • Core development team of four was supported by several members of “friends & family” throughout the whole time of production
  • Cost of assets, outsourcing and other development-related (excluding living costs) totaled to ~£15.000

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Back to 5.1.4

I am writing this as a follow up, as 5.2.3p3 and also 5.2.4 turned out to be crashing quite a lot. It was actually crashing not only the build but also the whole editor. A couple days later 5.3.1 appeared, but the texture bug from 5.3.0 remained.

So the last stable, relatively bug-free release was Unity 5.1.4, which we’ll probably stick with for longer. All this testing and wasted time, only to move from 5.1.1 to 5.1.4… But there are also good news, and I only discovered this today – the button-offset-on-non-native-resolution bug seems to be fixed in this version! Now, off to delete the other 6 versions of Unity to save some disk space…

Love – hate relationship

Today I wanted to write a little bit about our planned update from Unity 5.1.1 to 5.3.0 and why it’s taking so long.

First, let me say, that Unity is a great engine. We really enjoy working with it. I might be more difficult to pump out high-end graphics on it (not that we care, we haven’t got resources to provide AAA graphics anyway), but it’s easy to work with and its UI editor is the best I’ve worked with so far. Continue reading

Top Seller on Steam

We’re now one day after launch and things are looking really good. Since yesterday we have sold as many copies as through the entire Early Access period. That’s mostly thanks to improved visibility on the main page, but also a number of people avoid EA titles until they actually get released (as many is not). At the time of writing this, we settled on the last 10th spot of Steam’s Top Sellers list. Very serious competition sits above (and below too), so let’s see how long it lasts. Here’s a memorial screenshot, when we were on #9 😛

Top Sellers

20th November!

So, here’s the official announcement – Thea: The Awakening will be out of Early Access on 20th November!


The game is DRM-free, so once you download it, you may copy it to any PC you’d like and also play with your Steam client off.

Thanks to IMGN.PRO, our publishing partner, we’ve got a hub, where you can see all stores selling Thea and choose the one you prefer. Click here.

Latest news

First of all, apologies for the lack of updates here. We’ve actually got plenty of news to announce, so without too much babbling:

Thea is now available on Humble Store and Greenman Gaming (also on Steam, but that’s hardly news). GoG, even though many people asked for it, declined having the game on their store. It is a bit sad, but there’s not much we can do. Still, we want to make the game DRM-free after 1.0 release, so you’ll be able to play it on any PC, without Steam client or Internet connection.

Another thing is that we have started cooperation with IMGN.PRO, who will be coordinating sales of PC version on all platforms not mentioned above. More news relating to this will be revealed in the near future, but we’re very excited about this!

And the last, but not least – we have set a date of release from Early Access! Those of you who spend a lot of time on our Community Hub on Steam may already now it’s happening this month. We’ll be announcing the date on 13th Nov with some pretty artwork, but hopefully Yuuki doesn’t kill me if I spill the beans that it’s 20 November 😀

I would also mention all the improvements and updates for Thea that were added in the last weeks, but the list would get too long for its own good. So in short – new map navigation, improved UI navigation and panel accessibility, new card game backgrounds, tons of fixes and tweaks in every aspect of the game. If you really want to read the whole thing – head over to Steam forums and News section.


Our first week in Early Access

Hey all!

A week has passed since we launched Thea so I though I’d write a short summary.

When launching, we really had no idea what to expect. We’re a small team with no previous Steam releases. We’ve got small (but fantastic) community following the production, but our social reach is quite limited. Thea is an innovative game but it does need some work in many areas – UI, balance, help system – to name a few. There are bugs and spiders and other nasties lurking in many places we had no idea existed.

So when we hit the Publish button and all the positive reviews started coming in, it really put a big smile on our faces. At the time of writing this post, we’ve got 78 reviews and 76 of them are positive (so 97%). I spent the entire week replying to requests from youtubers and review sites. We’ve pushed 8 updates fixing stuff (also managed to break the game for a couple hours :P). We’ve got lots of feedback and requests from the community, and the community we’ve got is absolutely fantastic!

Right now we’re preparing a new update, that, among other things, adds the ability to reshuffle cards before a challenge.

Also, a number of people asked us when will they be able to buy Thea on For the game to be considered by their marketing department, they need to see there is a demand for it. So if you’d rather buy the game there – please support us by leaving your vote on their website.

Thanks all!

First Let’s Plays!

Our friends at eXplorminate have just finished their first series about Thea. Currently there are five 15-20 min episodes covering basics of gathering, crafting, research, combat (card game) and a couple events. Available from their YouTube channel:

All players wondering if Thea is something they might like – check this out.

Thanks to Troy Costisick for this awesome material, hope to see more!

The wait is almost over!

Just a quick, but a very important note – Thea: The Awakening will be released on Steam Early Access on Monday, 28th September! We all can’t wait to show to game to you, although we are aware there still may be bugs and things missing a layer of polish. We hope that the community will provide some much needed feedback and help us improve the game. For 7 days after the release there will be a 10% discount on the game price too!

Early Access

Also remember to visit our booth if you’re on EGX 24-27 September in Birmingham! We’ll be giving out game codes and other goodies and presenting the beta of course.