Upgrades people, upgrades!

First, apologies for not writing last week. No excuses 😉

After the feedback from Digital Dragons players we’ve decided to restructure our UI a little bit and that’s what me and Khash have been working on recently. Many people asked to try and recreate the navigation style based on the world’s best known TBS – Civilization. So that’s what we’re going to do. The right click mini menu will be out and its functionality will go to a set of action buttons, camera and unity movement will also be more familiar for Civ fans. We’ve also redone the Inventory and Equipment screens and added a new screen where the player can create and equip a new expedition.

Another thing we did was to clean up all cooking recipes, added three new resources (fish, nuts and mushrooms) and expanded on the cooking menu.

Also – Iv is preparing a facebook contest for our fans and rewards will be really neat, so keep watching our facebook page in the next weeks!

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