You are the god of the underworld, the protector of the afterlife and guardian of the souls of the departed. Your domain lies with the spirit world and magic that flows through the fabric of all things. In the days before the darkness, you were akin to the Elven folk of the far West, who like you, revered the winds of magic and respected its role in the balance of this world. Because of your dark domain, as the master of the underworld, humans perceive you as a devourer of life, a serpent of deceit that stands in eternal opposition to the supreme god Perun. Many thus fear you as a bringer of death and so they also hailed you the bringer of the Darkness.
But they could not be further from the truth. Your domicile lays underneath the very Tree of Life and you were charged by your father, Perun, to guard its safety. Alas, your failure cuts deep into your soul. You know not who or what brought the Darkness, but you know that it happened as the tree was struck down in front of your very eyes. When the cursed black mist swallowed the skies, magic trickled away from Thea and your power was weakened. But the true hit came as the gates to the underworld lay crushed under the dead tree. A relentless barrage of countless, tormented souls assaulted your being, weakening you to the brink of death… Your brother, Svarog, stood by your side at this time of peril and together the two of you did your best to protect some people, but in time, even those you shielded perished…
When the sun finally returned, you were left with only a few survivors and you vowed, together with your brother, to find out what happened, restore the sacred Tree but most of all, to guide the survivors and help them rebuild.