You are the goddess of changing seasons and of Death and Rebirth. Although your domain lies with all four seasons, you are often perceived as the Lady of Winter and bringer of nightmares and Death. You believe in reason over emotion and you do not interfere with the cycle of life, for this, your own mother, Mokosh the supreme goddess, cast you out of her graces, as she thinks you cold and heartless. Many who do not respect the cycle of life fear you as an omen of their demise. Some devised cruel rituals that symbolically burned and then drowned your avatars in a fruitless attempt to cheat the inevitable and supposedly chase off the Winter & with it Death itself– fools, as if the course of nature could be altered by mere superstitious nonsense!
The darkness that befell the world to you is only part of the natural way of things, and you feel no ill will towards it. After all, from the ashes of the old world, from the death of its many peoples, new life now Awakens, a new era begins. And so it should be. Many of your kin dislike your seemingly heartless approach, but it is their own folly that they fight with the wheel of destiny. When the sun was no more and the heavens burned, you stayed on Thea, not to protect any people, but to observe and bare witness. Despite your lack of interest, some of your followers have stayed near you and survived the dark days, and now it is time for Spring to come, for a rebirth of mankind, and you are here to guide them accordingly…