NEW! Honey has got its dedicated Support Forum. If you’ve got any questions – that’s a good place to ask them.
Honey is a framework that allows you to generate hex grid maps with nicely blended terrain.
It includes foliage, water and river systems and is a great base for tactical and turn based strategy games.
The framework is heavily under development and frequent updates with new features are planned.
Current features:
- great performance, even on very big maps,
- full source code in C# with comments,
- loading/saving maps,
- DX11 map markers,
- Fog of War,
- pathfinding system, powered by A* Pathfinding Project – free version (included),
- set of sample terrain and foliage assets,
- procedural shadow casting, no lights involved,
- useful hex data (world floating point height, neighbours, mouse click position, terrain tags, etc.),
- quick start instructions and tips,
- uses render to texture functionality – requires Unity Pro.
The framework is now available on Unity Asset Store – click the icon to open up the store page.
Below you can find Honey’s Basic Tutorial pdf and videos.