There are several different types of events in Master of Magic, and they will all make a comeback in the remake:
- Map locations

The map of Master of Magic is filled with various locations that can be explored by the player. These include things like fallen temples, ruins or mysterious caves where both treasure and challenge may await. There are also three power nodes, Sorcery, Nature and Chaos, and the magic towers that serve as portals between Arcanus and Myrror. All of those locations have an event attached to them, so that the appropriate path will trigger – combat if there are defenders, or loot if it is abandoned. Those events are fairly straight forward and apart from some extra fluff here or there, they will remain unchanged.
2. Random events

All of the random events from the original MoM are returning, but they are slightly modified. In the remake, we want to give the wizard a chance to react to some of those events, instead of them being a simple notification of what occurred. You will always have the option to simply accept the default result, but in some cases, you will be able to either alter or even avoid the consequences. This will typically be achieved by offering a payment via mana/gold or other means that an event may respond to.

These events have varied triggers, that include turn counter, specific prerequisite (like x amount of fame/gold/mana etc) or simply chance. All of the events also have a cooldown counter, to ensure they do not pop up one after another.
We are also planning to add an event pack to the game, which will bring in additional and new content. But, as in the original, those events will be optional (using something like an on/off toggle).

3. Traders and recruitment
The last category of events is the recruitment and/or item sales. These events are not yet implemented, but they too will return to Master of Magic. Based on your Fame, units, heroes, champions or items will be offered to you for sale/recruitment.
Art Show of the month – Wizards
And we will end today’s dev diary with a show of some Wizards and their evolution. As with the original, there are 14 Wizards to choose from. The Wizards will have their preset traits (formerly known as retorts) and magic books, but you will be able to change this as you wish, thus creating your own, custom versions. The preset Wizards also have a short backstory or flavour text to show their character.
First, the ones that remained mostly unchanged:

Some have grown older and wiser:

And here are some that were reinterpreted: