We’re looking for beta testers
Before we move on to the actual dev diary, we would like to make an announcement that might be very interesting for quite a few players: the start of the beta isn’t far now, and we’re looking for willing beta testers!
If you would like to give us a hand and give honest feedback on the current version of the game, look no further and click here.
Show and tell

So this month the dev diary will be brief, or rather it will certainly show more than tell, as we are gearing up towards a proper Beta build now. Our friends and family have been hard at work being our personal guinea pigs and precursors of the process. But, soon (can’t tell you a precise date, but it is coming up fast now) we will want to extend this to all of you, our lovely fans.
So, for this month, I will share once again, some of the feedback led changes we have made, especially to the visuals of Master of Magic

- The zoom out option was improved, to give a better overview of the land.
- Many tooltips were given more precise information, so you can see where the various numbers come from.
- City borders are now visible, so you know the area of influence of a city.
- And markers for places of interest were changed.

- The new game settings have been updated, and more customisation options added (we hope to increase the list further in the future too).

- The new town image was changed to look more like a drawing, rather than mimicking reality in 2d.
- More information was added for the city’s production, resources etc, as well as some immediate info for the race.
- All of the buildings on the map have a tooltip attached. And you can now destroy buildings from this window too.
More pretty things

- The new Wizard Info window, on top, has received many facelifts and we think it is finally hitting the right notes.

- As you may have noticed via the other screenshots, the parchments have been updated with a more vibrant colour palette that has brightened things up.

Unit info screens have undergone the visual upgrade as well.
- Firstly, there is the parchment with a more vibrant feel.
- Secondly, inspired by feedback from our Discord channel, the icons got a revamp and are now more colourful.

- The city management window is also brighter, but it also received an additional functionality – when you double click on the city, it will now take you directly into the city view (before, you had to click on the button, and it placed you outside the city, so too many unnecessary clicks). Note, that the mini map in both is a placeholder!

- The race selection screen got the visual update too, but also, it now contains more information about the specific race bonuses and limitations.
Drumroll… Sss’ra!

For a final art reveal, as hinted before, we have redone the mighty Wizard’s portrait, to reflect his old, noble visage better. We hope you like him, we ain’t doing another one…